Monday, June 28, 2010

Show me a sign





P.S. these pics were taken during breakfast-- don't mind the dirty faces :)

A little bit of sad :(

Kiara wasn't feeling well and ended up leaving early. Here she is where she fell asleep this morning watching the boys race around the kitchen wall.

Mr. Emmett was sad too. Here he is NOT wanting to sit up long enough for a cute pitcture. Here Chase is not wanting to do a sign for me to take his pucture.

The Toy Story Tent

I found this awesomeness this weekend. It is a bed tent and it is Super Duper Fun!! The boys played in this most of the morning. This is the game-- the boys climbed into the tent and chattered away for about three minutes, then one by one they emerged and crept down the hallway until they were to the living room where I was playing with the babies. They'd giggle until one of the babies spotted them. Then they would run screaming, "AH! A SPIDER!! A SPIDER!!" The best was when Ava started to crawl after them. Then they would scream, "THE SPIDER IS CHASING US!! RUN!!" Back up and into the tent. REPEAT.

Summer List

Make a paper airplane

We folded and colored airplanes for our art project today.
I taped a line on the carpet which the kids stood behind and took turns throwing and trying to beat their personal best. My Alex ended up almost to the loveseat. Alex P's personal best was about two inches behind that. Chase threw just over two feet past the line and Josh about a foot and a half. Tyler tried really hard but just didn't understand the concept :)

Read a chapter book

We started reading the Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain today. It was the most manly book I could find in a sea of Charlotte's Web, The Littlest Princess and other chapter books saved from my childhood. I have quite a collection of Goosbumps but they're not quite big enough for those gems. The boys fell asleep a little sooner than normal when I was reading. No pictures of Arthur, Clifford or the Bernstein Bears to keep them awake, I suppose.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Nothin' special day

Today was just a normal old day. No art project since it is Friday. The kids watched Shrek while I made a little shrug for Ava's fourth of July dress. They played their normal games. Bella was here and she watched me sew and chattered about her new haircut and her daddys cut. Kiara slept most of the day as she is teething. We made bluberry waffles this morning. YUM!

Seriously-- this is the cutest baby EVER

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Train Game

Best game EVER.
They line up in front of the TV. One walks around then backs up into the next little boy. Said little boy "links on" and they both go around the room. Repeat until out of little boys. I am a genius for coming up with this gem. Keeps them busy for like half an hour.

The list

I found a list of 100 things to do with your kids this summer. I am going to complete it with the kiddos, (except maybe the garage sale. Why sell things the DI would be happy to get?) We're going to shoot for two or three things a day.
Eat a popsicle

Play in the sprinklers

July 23, 2010

Cutie Pies :)

Mr. Emmett is SO CLOSE!!

Come on. Just a smidge more. Come on...

Puffy Paint

I found this recipe for "puffy paint" and it looked really neat. It was made with flour so when the picture was finished being painted you were supposed to microwave it and the paint would bake up and be awesome. My sister in New York tried it with her guys and she said it worked. It didn't work so well for us though.

I think we needed to do the paint thicker and faster. But it was an experience, right?

The guys are really into army and camo lately. So we painted brown, tan and two shades of green on paper. If it would have worked the army guys would have been able to walk around brown rocks and over grassy knolls. But, the kids had fun either way.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Back to work... breaks over!

The kids and hubby are home from vacation and I am refocusing on being mom instead of the maid who took over while there were minimal distractions. I got about half of my "TO DO" list finished over the week they were gone. I count that as success! That list was giant. Here are a few pictures of what the day care babies did the week the boys were gone.

Can you see her fangs? This child is totally TEAM EDWARD!!

This was so funny!! When this picture was taken we had the music cranked up and the boys were dancing around. I came over to Ava and moved her feet around to help her dance. Then Kiara came over and helped Ava get her groove on.

Backwards?!?! Are you sure you want to do that kid?

One of the things on my "TO DO" list was a major toy trade out. Every week I trade a half dozen toys out but I wanted to really reinvent the playroom. DONE. I took the work bench. legos and stuffed animals back downstairs and brought up the store. The kids and I then colored a store shelf to place behind it. We colored and cut out some money as well. Chase was super cute playing with this!! If you can tell in the picture I drew Woody and Buzz Lightyear for sale. Chase was literally hopping up and down to get to "buy" them.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010

Today was one big art project. I got the idea to make some play mats for the boys because they'll have a dang long drive down to Lake Powell tomorrow. The boys get bored in the car and the start to fight :) The classic 'He's touching me' So we made this book today. The boys coming to check out the progress on their book.

They liked this page. Chase kept showing me his apartment. "It's the big one, Megan. It's the big one! I live there with Mommy and Emmett"

This one is for their army guys. The guys spent a lot of today shooting each other with the boys new army guns. They are convinced there is a monster under the bunk beds, they've been shooting under the beds at it. We have one rule with the guns-- you can't shoot at anyone without a gun so Ava and Kiara never get shot at.

They ran off and played for the cutting part of the ocean but came back to help glue. My Alex was excited to get the eyes on the fish.

This one is by far my favorite. My boys aren't as into dinosaurs as they were a few months ago but it'll be fun for Ebon when he visits. I think we'll watch The Land Before Time soon, that always brings their interest back.

This one is for the farm animals. Alex P. liked this one. He wanted to bring in one of our chickens from outside. Sorry buddy, the chickens would probably just eat the felt.

Chase, Joshie and my Alexs favorite. A CARS one? AWESOME. They liked the little parking lot.

In other non-felt news-- Emmett just slept most of the day but let me give him some tummy time for awhile. He usually fusses about it but he did great today.
Kiara is learning a few new words. I heard her say "Ouchie" today when she fell. She also said "Brr.. brr" and pointed to the counter where I keep the bread.
Tyler is getting more comfortable here. He came to me today when he fell out of his chair (sad), Ty Guy usually goes to Alex P when he is sad so it was nice that he knows he can turn to me for comfort.
Alex P. was my best cleaner today. Yay for that! Maybe some will rub off on my guys :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Next Mood Swing in...3...2...1....

Ava has been really enjoying her walker. She pushes it up and down the hallway and around the living room. She smiles and laughs and you can tell she is so proud of herself and having a blast. Then... she hits the wall, the garbage can, a toy, one of her brothers-- then come the tears. A full blown mood swing in three seconds flat. The frustrated screaming of someone so tiny can be incredibly powerful.

On the plus side, once she is turned around the mood swings again-- back to pure joy this time.

Chalk Walk

Our art project today was a "chalk walk" we went on a small walk and colored everywhere we went. I think next time I do this I'll take the stroller.