Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16, 2010

Today was one big art project. I got the idea to make some play mats for the boys because they'll have a dang long drive down to Lake Powell tomorrow. The boys get bored in the car and the start to fight :) The classic 'He's touching me' So we made this book today. The boys coming to check out the progress on their book.

They liked this page. Chase kept showing me his apartment. "It's the big one, Megan. It's the big one! I live there with Mommy and Emmett"

This one is for their army guys. The guys spent a lot of today shooting each other with the boys new army guns. They are convinced there is a monster under the bunk beds, they've been shooting under the beds at it. We have one rule with the guns-- you can't shoot at anyone without a gun so Ava and Kiara never get shot at.

They ran off and played for the cutting part of the ocean but came back to help glue. My Alex was excited to get the eyes on the fish.

This one is by far my favorite. My boys aren't as into dinosaurs as they were a few months ago but it'll be fun for Ebon when he visits. I think we'll watch The Land Before Time soon, that always brings their interest back.

This one is for the farm animals. Alex P. liked this one. He wanted to bring in one of our chickens from outside. Sorry buddy, the chickens would probably just eat the felt.

Chase, Joshie and my Alexs favorite. A CARS one? AWESOME. They liked the little parking lot.

In other non-felt news-- Emmett just slept most of the day but let me give him some tummy time for awhile. He usually fusses about it but he did great today.
Kiara is learning a few new words. I heard her say "Ouchie" today when she fell. She also said "Brr.. brr" and pointed to the counter where I keep the bread.
Tyler is getting more comfortable here. He came to me today when he fell out of his chair (sad), Ty Guy usually goes to Alex P when he is sad so it was nice that he knows he can turn to me for comfort.
Alex P. was my best cleaner today. Yay for that! Maybe some will rub off on my guys :)

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