Friday, September 10, 2010


Jammie Friday Yippie! Today was jam jam day. The kids love to watch movies in our jammies. Last night we bought The Chipmunks The Squeal and they watched it today. Alex P decided he was Alvin. He made My Alex be Theodore and Joshie be "the fat one with the green sweater" aka Simon. They took turns counting each other in and dancing and singing. Ava and I were the girl chipmunks. We danced and sang with our silly high pitched voices. We played chipmunks for almost two hours. They were having so much fun.
The kids were getting a little crazy so we made an art project today. We usually don't make one on Fridays but we needed a distraction today. I took styrofoam cups and colored two black dots on the bottom then the kids colored them pink. I took string and tied on their... Piggy Masks. They squealed and oinked. I told them about how pigs run away when the farmer tries to catch them and they took turns chasing each other with a net. They were really cute. The cutest thing I've seen snorting.
They loved lunch today. I made some home made chili with grated cheese on top. Every single one of them asked for seconds. Yea! I love it when they're good eaters!
I'm off to go read some stories and settle them down for a nap.

1 comment:

  1. uh Megan, Simon has the blue sweater and glasses and Theodore has the green sweater and is fat.
