Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Signing Times

We have started some new Signing Time DVDs and the kids are learning so much! They are learning colors, the different fruits and the different veggies. They are learning many new songs as well. I love to see my kids signing. It's so fun to see them using a whole new language they couldn't speak a few months ago.
Today we spent a lot of time outside. I'm trying to get our yard ready for winter before it gets too cold.
For lunch today we ate sandwiches with the bread cut out in the shape of a hand. We gave our sandwiches high fives and they thought it was silly to eat the fingers. I was making them laugh asking each one, "Does that hurt? You're eating your fingers?!? Ouch! Doesn't that hurt?"
My Alex just came out with a bloody nose so I'll blog again soon!

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