Monday, August 2, 2010

Frisbee Golf :)

We organized our food storage this weekend and I saved some big ol' boxes to play with today. Kiara climbed on hers and pushed it around. The boys used theirs as a fort, a cage for a puppy (Josh was that puppy), to run around, to crash into and to jump out from behind and scare each other. I taught the kids to do a martial arts kick and tip over the boxes. We had a pretty rocking time.
We took a break from the boxes for baby signing time. Josh had a neat experience on Saturday. We had gone over to Southtowne Mall for the evening. Josh, Ava and I were sitting on a bench waiting for Matt and Alex when we saw a deaf person signing to his friends. We were able to catch the sign for 'shoes' It was pretty neat to have a small window into his world.
After morning nap time we colored some styrofoam plates to use as frisbees. We used our big ol' boxes outside as targets for frolf (frisbee+ golf= frolf). We played a couple rounds. Josh was our over all winner. His best for the three targets was eleven throws. Way to be kid! Tyler was pretty cute doing this. He just threw his little heart out for about 20-25 throws then he marched over and gently set his frisbee in the box. Cute-ness!
We went to the park today since they love it. We've made some friends there last week and the two Alexs were really excited our friends were there today.

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