Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sock it to me!

Today for our art project we colored a four feet tall bulls eye. We taped it to the wall in my living room. We got 100 points for the inner circle, 50 for the middle and 25 for the outer ring. What were we throwing at it? Socks. I pulled the boys underwear /sock drawer out and we threw our arms out. Alex P was great at it and hit the red most of the time. Tyler threw a few times but then settled on retrieving the rocks for us. Kiara held onto a pair of socks I handed her but never threw them. She waved them around a few times. My Alex got silly and started to throw the other things in the drawer, ties, underwear and swimsuits. The boys (of course) thought it was funny when we threw the underwear up in the air and laughed because "it's raining undies!" We had a snowball fight with the socks too. They liked this a lot.
We went to the park today. The kids buried their feet in the wood chips. We had a little incident where it looked like we lost Josh's sandles but thanks heavens we dug enough that we found them again! Phew! We've all ready had to replace one pair this summer.
Alex P. is especially good at making friends at the park and he enjoyed a game of tag with some kids a little older than him. Tyler gave me a heart attack when he started counting while standing at the fire man's pole and I was half way across the playground, but he stopped when I yelled "HANG ON, TY GUY!" The boys brought a ball launcher with them to the playground so I threw it a dozen times for Kiara and she would get it and bring it back to me. A friend of mine just happened to be at the park today so they got to play with her little boy, Cameron today.
And that in a nut-shell is what your kiddos did while you were at work. And ya know, breakfast, nap, lunch and nap ;)

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