Thursday, July 1, 2010

Check that off the list

Blow bubbles
Build a castle
Play a game
Eat watermelon
Pick your own veggies

Yesterday we blew bubbles in the front yard. It was so windy they swirled and flew all around us. I accidentally left my camera in the house and I wasn't about to lave the kids out there alone to grab it. So, no pictures. Just try to imagine five kiddos chasing bubbles :) Ty Guy and Kiara especially enjoyed the bubbles.

We built a castle out of these square lincoln logs. The kids really enjoyed them. We built the castle, a house, a chicken pen, a slide and tons of roofs. The kids really liked putting someone in the house then roofing them in.

For the game we played a new one called 'Luigi's tower of tires game' Alex P was particularly fond of this game. Josh and Alex P. played several times during the day.

Eating watermelon was fun for the kiddos. Tyler didn't want to try it until Alex P. took it off his plate to eat it. Kiara LOVED it and finished hers quickly. Ava wasn't very fond of it. I wonder if taste is genetic since I'm not a big fan either.

Early in the morning the kids and I went out and picked the first of our sugar snap peas in our garden. YUM!

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