Friday, July 9, 2010

Josh will be three tomorrow :(

My baby boy is growing up :( I like my kids small. I do not want to get any closer to the teenage years! Today we played, wrapped Josh's presents, and made the infamous Mater cake. I wasn't planning on making the cake until tonight but one of my sweet day care babies took a few bites out of one of the cakes while it was cooling (I had run outside real quick to toss a diaper). So I tossed that cake along with the diaper and turned the other into Mater before it too could get munched on. The kids were all pretty stoked about everything that happened today.

Checking out Josh's presents, all wrapped and ready for tomorrow.

Kiara just hanging out, being cute, waiting for the cake to come out of the oven.

My monkey helping make his cake.

Cute boys laughing together.

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