Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hide and Go Seek

Yesterday my boys went to the zoo with Grandma. It was a pretty quiet day without two guys following me around "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" I only had the little one "Ma ma" Without the boys Chase and Alex P. got to play together more than normal. They played mostly with the Cars cars and the new woody RC car.

They also played hide and go seek together with Tyler after our picnic.

Is this not the cutest baby you have ever seen sitting on the stairs eating a quesadilla? Just try and find me a cuter ten month old sitting on stairs eating a quesadilla, it won't happen.

Kiara loves this toy. It bounces and turns. It used to sing a song every time it bounced but I find that about the time the batteries wear out of toys I am sick of the noise.

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